Sunday, April 5, 2009

so exciting- new food blog for liquid diets!

I was recently in a hit-and-run bike accident, and as a result my jaw was broken. To fix it, I now have my jaw wired shut for over a month. The hospital told me that "Ensure" meal replacements would be key for my nutrition, and that I should subsist primarily off of Ensure. However I love REAL food and appreciate REAL nutrition too much to heed that advice. (The first three ingredients of Ensure are water, sugar, and corn syrup!) Unfortunately, though, there seems to be a shortage of food blogs catered to folks who can only have meals through a straw. Sooooo I've decided to do something of a food blog here, while recovering. You know, make it my outlet- part of my therapy and recovering process- use it to keep me motivated.

I don't really put a label on my food habits, but I will say that I believe that the key to good nutrition (and a happy planet!) is a primarily plant-based diet, filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes- but tasty style, not boring style!

Oh, and I also love to cook, and love delicious food and wine, so you can expect to see lots of these things here.

Maybe a few folks out there will stumble upon this, and find something in my journey even a little helpful... that would be great.



julie k said...

cephas is going to be hooked on your blog!

Kate Harding said...

you are hilarious! i love this!

willotoons said...

this is great! no doubt will help many who need similar advice/resources. good for you on sticking to REAL nutrition, too, honey!