Tuesday, April 7, 2009

green smoothie of the day

Today's green smoothie featured an avocado, spinach, frozen banana, orange-pineapple juice, and special grass-fed mango banana yogurt. Whenever I have bananas that are on the verge of being past their prime, I slice 'em up, and put them in a container in the freezer so they are ready to go when I need them in a smoothie. Also, I want to give a shout out to "Traderspoint Creamery" yogurt. It is quite possibly the most delicious yogurt I've ever had. It is from a family owned 'artisan dairy', and is "produced with care for the environment and animal well being." My colleagues kindly bought it for me, as part of a bunch of groceries they gave me as a 'get well' gift. (Yes- I'm lucky to work with great folks!) In addition to putting it in my smoothies, I'm drinking it during the day as a snack dilueted with water. It's tasty stuff, my friends. As for the avocado, well that has interesting origins. I first had smoothies with avocados when I was in northern Kenya for work last summer. The small 'restaurant' that provided us with lunch every day, would put avocado in their fruit juice. That was when I first learned what a great combination avocado and fruit juice is. And of course during this time, avocados provide much needed fat. Give it a try- throw one in your next smoothie, or just throw one in the blender with some fruit juice. Chances are, you'll dig it!

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